Design of devices in cardiology

As reported by WHO, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) represent today the leading cause of death worldwide. In many cases, as in the case of heart failure, some technological limits along with the unavailability of reliable and easy-to-use diagnostic tools make prevention difficult, especially at homecare level. This line of research focuses on the design and development of noninvasive devices for the prevention and early diagnosis of CVDs. Development includes both the hardware design phase and the processing phase at software level. Our interest concerns, in particular, innovative techniques for the acquisition and analysis of electrocardiographic signal and heart sounds. Our long-term goal is to set up a telemedicine system for the home monitoring of at-risk patients based on our developed devices.


Pubblicazioni attinenti:

Giordano N., Knaflitz M. A Novel Method for Measuring the Timing of Heart Sound Components through Digital Phonocardiography, Sensors, vol. 19, pp. 1868, 2019. hdl:11583/2759955

Giordano N., Knaflitz M. Multi-source signal processing in phonocardiography: comparison among signal selection and signal enhancement techniques, In 2019 41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 6689-6692, 2019. hdl:11583/2759966