
  • New Materials and Nanotechnologies for Bio-applications

    Pillar’s activities focus on the investigation of the interactions between living and artificial environments at the macro-, micro- and nano-scale. The comprehension of these mechanisms are exploited to realize innovative devices to take on and overcome currently unmet challenges in biotech and life science with specific but not exclusive application in personalized medicine and early-stage diagnostics.

  • Integrative Biomechanics

    Integrative biomechanics addresses fundamental clinical problems both at the tissue level and at the organ level using knowledge and methods in the biomechanical field at multiple scales. The pillar applications range from the development of technologies for applications in clinic to the creation of knowledge of the biological processes.

  • Information and Communication Technologies

    The overall activity in this pillar is focused on the development of innovative devices, instrumentation, algorithms, models and strategies for the investigation of physiological systems and pathological conditions.